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State Appeals Court Overturns Dismissal of FDCPA Class-Action Involving 11k Class Members

Account Recovery

The Superior Court of New Jersey Appellate Division has reversed a previous dismissal of a class-action Fair Debt Collections Practices Act claim that accused the defendant used misleading debt-collection form letters, which threatened negative credit reporting despite the debts already being reported.

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HMRC ‘sorry’ for Terminally ill Pensioner’s Debt Collectors threat

UK debt collections

A pensioner who is terminally ill has been threatened with debt collectors by HMRC , after he didn’t receive confirmation that he had paid the correct tax bill. HMRC has been accused of threatening a terminally ill 92 year old man with debt collectors. A reader of The Guardian newspaper wrote in to share that “he is 92 and doesn’t actually owe the money , but there is nothing he can do to stop the tax demands coming” The reader, identified as JP, explained: “HMRC ha


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Getting to Know Zack Ali of Cedar Financial and Remote Scouts

Account Recovery

I am thrilled to announce that the Getting to Know series will be sponsored by TEC Services Group in 2024. TEC Services Group is the leading technology and professional services firm in the credit collections industry offering both leading industry solutions along with unrivaled, unbiased, and experienced support.

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Business Insolvencies drop 6% in May

UK debt collections

Latest figures from the Insolvency Service have shown that there were 2,006 business insolvencies in England & Wales in May 2024, a decrease of 6% when compared to April 2024 figures (2,144) and 21% lower than the same month in the previous year. The business consisted of 271 compulsory liquidations , 1,590 creditors’ voluntary liquidations (CVLs), 126 administrations and 19 company voluntary arrangements (CVAs).

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How Collection Agencies Minimize Effort and Maximize Results with the Right Software

Navigating collections in the dynamic financial landscape presents multifaceted challenges. Organizations face pressures to maintain standards alongside software challenges like regulatory adaptations, data integration, security, workflow optimization, and automation. Finding the right software can save time and money. BEAM offers a comprehensive solution with specialized modules to streamline debt collection effortlessly.

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A Busy Summer for the CFPB—And Consumers Will Benefit in the Long Run

True Accord

It’s already been a busy summer for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)—Supreme Court rulings, fine print warnings, new registries, and more—all in the continued effort to better protect consumers’ financial health and wellbeing. Before we dive into the latest CFPB news, let’s have a refresher on what this bureau is and why it is so important: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, or CFPB, was formed in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Refo

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What is the role of a bankruptcy trustee in a Chapter 13 case?

Roths Child Law

When facing financial hardship, filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy can provide a path to recovery as it reorganizes debt. As part of the process, a bankruptcy trustee oversees the case. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, how can understanding the trustee’s role be crucial in navigating your potential Chapter 13 case? Responsibilities of a bankruptcy trustee Appointed by the United States Trustee’s office, a bankruptcy trustee manages the case from start to finish, ensuring a fair proces

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Construction sector has the highest rate of Insolvencies

UK debt collections

The Construction sector was the worst hit industry for insolvencies in the year to April 2024, the Insolvency Service has revealed. Some 4,401 construction companies in England and Wales registered as insolvent in the period – 18 per cent of all businesses to do so. The figure is almost 500 more than the next worst-hit industry, wholesale and retail , which saw 3,906 insolvencies.

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The Ultimate Collection of the Best Replica Rolex Watches Available.


When it comes to luxury timepieces, Rolex stands at the pinnacle of perfection. Known for their impeccable craftsmanship, precision, and timeless elegance, Rolex watches have become a symbol of success and sophistication. However, not everyone can afford the hefty price tag that comes with owning an authentic Rolex. That’s where replica Rolex watches come into the picture. – In the world of luxury timepieces, Rolex stands as a symbol of prestige, craftsmanship, and timeless elegance.

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Mastering the Art of Payment Follow-Up: How to Turn Overdue Invoices into Timely Payments


Ever felt like you’re playing hide and seek with your payments, but the payments are always winning? For small business owners, unpaid invoices and late payments can feel like a game you didn’t sign up for. Chasing down overdue payments and outstanding invoices isn’t just frustrating; it can seriously mess with your cash flow and. Read more » The post Mastering the Art of Payment Follow-Up: How to Turn Overdue Invoices into Timely Payments appeared first on JMA Credit Control.

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From Complexity to Clarity: Strategies for Effective Compliance and Security Measures

Speaker: Erika R. Bales, Esq.

When we talk about “compliance and security," most companies want to ensure that steps are being taken to protect what they value most – people, data, real or personal property, intellectual property, digital assets, or any other number of other things - and it’s more important than ever that safeguards are in place. Let’s step back and focus on the idea that no matter how complicated the compliance and security regime, it should be able to be distilled down to a checklist.

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Away Game: Law Firms Need Policies for Remote Workers

NCBA Law Practice Management Blog

Working from home ain’t the same as working in the office. I mean, you can’t do your laundry at the office – unless you have a really nice office setup. Now, the thing that’s interesting is that most law firms – most employers, I would go so far as to say – treat in-office and virtual employees the same way. That’s a combination of inertia, and a failure of imagination.

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Daily Digest – June 25. Collector Accused of Denying Plaintiff Opportunity to Communicate via Email in Email; State Appeals Court Overturns Dismissal of FDCPA Class-Action

Account Recovery

Complaint Accuses Collector of Denying Plaintiff Opportunity to Communicate via Email in Email State Appeals Court Overturns Dismissal of FDCPA Class-Action Involving 11k Class Members Judges Block Latest Student Loan Debt Relief Plan from Going into Effect More Consumers Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck WORTH NOTING: Experts share tips on how to improve your memory so you never […]

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know about fake watches


Here are ten things you need to know about fake watches on The post know about fake watches appeared first on Frank, Frank, Goldstein & Nager.

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Understanding Your Rights and Responsibilities in Debt Collection


Ever wondered what you can do if a debt collector calls you at odd hours? Knowing your rights and responsibilities in debt collection can be a game-changer. Whether you’re a small business owner trying to collect overdue payments or an individual dealing with persistent debt collectors, understanding the rules of engagement can help you navigate.

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When It Comes to Collections Software, “Good Enough” Isn’t Good Enough

Are you finding some snags in your collections process? With delinquencies, and the number of consumers looking for payment assistance on the rise, it may be time to consider an efficient cloud-based software to support your team. Learn how MeridianLink® Collect has helped financial institutions like yours streamline collections processes.

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5 Tips for Navigating Corporate Disputes

Jimerson Firm

Navigating corporate disputes can feel like walking through a minefield. One misstep can result in costly and time-consuming legal battles that jeopardize relationships and the business. These five tips below can help you manage corporate disputes effectively without resorting to litigation. Tip #1: Know Your Governing Documents Knowledge is power during a corporate dispute.

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Appeals Court Affirms Ruling for Defendants in FCRA Reasonable Investigation Suit

Account Recovery

The Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit has affirmed the summary judgment ruling in favor of the defendants that were sued for violating the Fair Credit Reporting Act, ruling that the reasonable investigation conducted by one of the defendants — a credit reporting agency — was not proven to be insufficient and because the […]

Judgment 147
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Law Firm Manager stole £176k from Clients Account

UK debt collections

A former Law Firm manager who transferred thousands of pounds from client accounts has said she was trying to stop the business from failing. Jacque Aitken, an Office Manager employed by Hampshire law firm Simpkins & Co Solicitors for eight years, admitted transferring money from the client account to the office accounts on two matters without the client’s knowledge or consent, according to a Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) decision notice.

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How long do you have to collect on commercial debts in Massachusetts?

Collections Law

Unpaid debts are an inevitable problem when running a business, and they can cause significant stress and headaches. At the Law Offices of Alan M. Cohen & Associates LLC, our commercial collections attorneys have more than 50 years of experience helping Massachusetts and out-of-state creditors seek judgments from their debtors and collect on unpaid debts.

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10 Ways to Improve Payment Collections with Salesforce

For finance teams using Salesforce’s powerful CRM technology, automation can transform accounts receivable processes, driving efficiency and delivering measurable results like cost savings, reduced customer churn, and lower DSO.

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Innovating Financing for Retailers with Point-of-Sale Loan Origination


The retail industry is experiencing a significant shift with the rising demand for flexible financing options at the point of sale (POS). A study by Forrester Research revealed that businesses adopting online POS financing solutions experienced a 32% surge in sales. By simplifying the application process and offering immediate financing options, retailers can significantly enhance the shopping experience, encouraging higher transaction volumes and increased average order values.

Retail 52
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How to Achieve Timely Financial Close: Tips for Finance Managers

Burt and Associates

Tips for Finance Managers In today’s fast-paced business environment, finance managers face significant challenges in promptly closing financial accounts. Delays in financial close can lead to missed deadlines, increased stress, and potentially costly errors. This blog post will provide practical tips to help finance managers streamline their processes and achieve timely financial close, easing frustrations and alleviating fears of missed deadlines.

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Daily Digest – June 24. Appeals Court Affirms Ruling for Defendants in FCRA Reasonable Investigation Suit; Judge Grants MSJ for Defendant in FDCPA Case Over Postage Stamp Standing

Account Recovery

Appeals Court Affirms Ruling for Defendants in FCRA Reasonable Investigation Suit Judge Grants MSJ for Defendant in FDCPA Case Over Postage Stamp Standing Workforce Shortages, Lackluster Financial Performance Plagues Hospitals: Report Compliance Digest – June 24 WORTH NOTING: The world’s ugliest dog is a Pekingese named Wild Thang … A new blood test may be […]

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British Gas Apologises for Debt Collection Agency Error

UK debt collections

British Gas has apologised after it told a customer it was sending his details to a debt collection agency for a £2,500 bill which the energy supplier had charged in error. John Spink received a letter in April saying he owed the large sum following months of seeing his gas and electricity bills spiral after he had a smart meter installed in his home.

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Connect, Care, Convert: Secrets to Establishing Trust with Niche Markets and Turning Them Into Clients

Speaker: Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, The Money Coach®

Niche markets represent a huge opportunity for the financial services industry in America. From college students and women to communities of color and low-to-moderate-income households, niche populations have specialized financial needs – but they often underutilize many valuable financial products and services. How can you better connect with these consumers?

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which were sold online.

FFGN COLLECT NY At uk best Replica Watches which were sold online. The post which were sold online. appeared first on Frank, Frank, Goldstein & Nager.

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Complaint Accuses Collector of Denying Plaintiff Opportunity to Communicate via Email in Email

Account Recovery

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is part of a series that is sponsored by WebRecon. WebRecon identifies serial plaintiffs lurking in your database BEFORE you contact them and expose yourself to a likely lawsuit. Protect your company from as many as one in three new consumer lawsuits by scrubbing your consumers through WebRecon first. Want to learn more?

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More Consumers Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck

Account Recovery

In an economy that appears robust on the surface, a significant portion of American consumers are grappling with financial challenges that deeply influence their shopping behaviors. These consumers, who earn $50,000 or less annually and live paycheck to paycheck, represent a substantial yet often overlooked segment of the market.

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Judge Grants MSJ for Defendant in FDCPA Case Over Postage Stamp Standing

Account Recovery

A District Court judge in Missouri has granted a defendant’s motion for summary judgment in a Fair Debt Collection Practices Act case, ruling that the plaintiff lacked standing and that the defendant did not violate the FDCPA.

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ERM Program Fundamentals for Success in the Banking Industry

Speaker: William Hord, Senior VP of Risk & Professional Services

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is critical for industry growth in today’s fast-paced and ever-changing risk landscape. When building your ERM program foundation, you need to answer questions like: Do we have robust board and management support? Do we understand and articulate our bank’s risk appetite and how that impacts our business units? How are we measuring and rating our risk impact, likelihood, and controls to mitigate our risk?